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Liana Lianov, MD, MPH, FACLM, FACPM, DipABLM
President, Global Positive Health Institute

As an innovative global leader in lifestyle medicine, Liana Lianov, MD, MPH, FACLM, FACPM, DipABLM has advanced the movement for integrating positive psychology into health care. She led the development of the original lifestyle medicine core competencies for physicians and health professionals, which have recently been expanded to include positive psychology-based knowledge and skills. She serves as the President of the Global Positive Health Institute, chair of the Happiness Science and Positive Health Committee of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM), lead faculty for the ACLM Physician and Health Professional Wellbeing Program, and vice-chair of the American Board of Lifestyle Medicine.

Dr. Lianov is the immediate past president of the Positive Health and Wellbeing Division of the International Positive Psychology Association, A few of her notable past roles include president of the ACLM, director for the Healthy Lifestyles Division of the American Medical Association and board regent for the American College of Preventive Medicine. She also directed programs in heart disease, stroke and cancer prevention at the California Department of Health Services.

In 2018, Dr. Lianov convened the inaugural Summit on Happiness Science in Health Care cosponsored by the ACLM and Dell Medical School, which led to scholarly publications and a groundbreaking book on how to integrate happiness science into medical practice, Roots of Positive Change, Optimizing Health Care with Positive Psychology. To further this mission, she founded the Global Positive Health Institute (https://www.positivehealth.world) which provides positive psychology education and practical tools for health professionals to use in their clinical practices and support their personal well-being. You can follow her work with the GPHI on FB and Instagram @globalpositivehealth. Her latest book, Strengths in the Mirror, Thriving Now and Tomorrow (to be published August 30, 2021) shares inspirational stories from colleagues and sums up how we all can flourish through healthy lifestyles, positive activities and personal strengths.

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