

Behavior Character strengths Emotional wellbeing Health care Healthy lifestyles Longevity Meaning/Life purpose Medical populations Mental health Mindfulness/Meditation Mortality Physical health Population health Positive emotions and affect Positive psychology interventions Psychological wellbeing Resilience Social connection Stress management Subjective wellbeing

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Action for Happiness –

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Greater Good in Action –

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Positive Psychology center –

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Benson Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine –

Lee Kum Sheung (Harvard) Center for Health and Happiness, Harvard TH Chan School of Public
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Masters in Applied Positive Psychology –

Stanford University – Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education: –

University of Pennsylvania – Positive Psychology Center –

Yale University – Center for Emotional Intelligence –

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Journal of Happiness Studies: –

Journal of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing: –

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