We’d like to express many thanks to those who joined us for the GPHI official launch event and inaugural conference. As our initial offering, it was a heavy lift to offer two days of programming with 13.25 credits of continuing education through Rush University. We did it! The final line-up and presentations were amazing! Our immense gratitude to the planning committee for their guidance over many month and the keynote presenters and workshop leaders for offering top-notch, state-of-the-art and inspiring content. And lastly, the behind-the-scenes support committee deserves a great big shout out. Thank you to Jayshri Chasmawala, Simon Matthews, Jane Oh, Joe Raphael, and Chery True!
The feedback has been consistently positive. Participants have shared comments like:
“This event has shifted something for me; I will approach my patients differently.”
“I had a big ‘aha’ moment and this is really sticking with me,”
“This information is practical and I can apply it starting tomorrow.”
“All the sessions that I was able to tune into completely blew me away. I’m so excited about diving deep into this…and being able to implement the many lessons into my own life and then to be able to really share it with my patients.”
Not only will many of them make adjustments in the way they work with patients, but also they are taking away much needed pearls for their own well-being. Moreover, the event is having ripple effects; a summary of key take-aways has been shared with colleagues at the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, the International Positive Psychology Association, and beyond. These colleagues have shared their appreciation for the opportunity to get a taste of the learnings.
In these challenging times, we are proud that the new GPHI is making a difference in physicians’ and patients’ lives. The board, advisory council and planning committee are already making plans for expanding our reach. One of these strategies is to offer the conference recordings in our continuing education store. If you missed our conference, stay tuned for this offering. This type of major virtual conference will be biannual and the next one is planned for 2023. In the meantime, in 2022, we’re looking forward to offering you a variety of webinars, courses and min-retreats, as well as collaborating with like-minded organizations for joint virtual and in-person events. Please follow @globalpositivehealth and help us get the word out to your networks.